
Macだと Command + 4 でサクっと画面の好きな部分を選択してScreenShot取れるけど、Fedoraで同様のことをやる方法を調べたところfedora MAGAZINEですぐ見つかったFedora*1の場合、gnome-screenshotで簡単にできる模様。


  • Printscreen key – grab a screenshot of the whole desktop and save it to your Pictures folder
  • Alt + Printscreen – Take a screenshot of the currently focused window and save it to your Pictures folder
  • Shift + Printscreen – Select an area to grab and save it to your Pictures folder.
  • Ctrl + Printscreen – grab a screenshot of the whole desktop and copy it to the clipboard
  • Ctrl + Alt + Printscreen – grab a screenshot of the currently focused window and copy it to the clipboard
  • Ctrl + Shift + Printscreen – Select an area to grab and copy it to the clipboard
