Fedora11 - ネットワークが自動でつながらない


Network doesn't connect

link to this item - Bugzilla: #498207

After installation, it might be noticed that programs requiring the network can not connect to the network. If this is the case, the NetworkManager icon may show a red X indicating that the machine is not currently connected. While all networking hardware is correctly wired, and device indicators show the network to be properly connected, a change in default install behaviour means that the network does not immediately connect.

The required procedure from this point is to click the NetworkManager icon, and activate the System eth0 or similar connection. If the red X disappears from the NetworkManager icon, then this was the issue that was stopping the connection from being activated.

However, the above change is only for the current login. To make this change permanent, right click the NetworkManager icon, Edit connections, select the System eth0 or similar, click Edit, provide the root password, check the Connect automatically item at the top of the dialog box, Apply and Close.
